CNT bundle material for flywheels 40 times better than batteries |

Date 26th, Oct 2018
Source NextBigFuture - Scientific News Websites


In the lab, China has small quantities of carbon nanotube bundles 20 times stronger than Kevlar. These are ultralong (several centimeters) carbon nanotube fibers have been made into stronger bundles. The tensile strength of CNTBs (Carbon nanotube bundles) is at least 9–45 times that of other materials. If a more rigorous engineering definition is used, the tensile strength of macroscale CNTBs is still 5–24 times that of any other types of engineering fiber, indicating the extraordinary advantages of ultralong Carbon nanotubes in fabricating superstrong fibers. A synchronous tightening and relaxing (STR) strategy improves the alignment of the carbon nanotubes to The post CNT bundle material for flywheels 40 times better than batteries appeared first on